Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 10. Interview overview.

The person that I interviewed for my digital story was my sister, Norma. Norma is 28 years old and lives in Middlefield, OH. I tried to figure out how to record through Skype, but somehow did not get it to work correctly. Since I could not meet up with her in person, I conducted a telephone interview.

Here is a brief overview of what we discussed in the interview.

Name: Norma Jean Sandy
Date of Birth: July 5, 1983
Place of Birth: Clarksburg, WV
Occupation: Pharmacy Student at Kent State/Pharmacy Technician at Wal-mart
Family: Mother, Ana- Father, Fred- Sisters, Jessica (30) and Tracy (24)--Brother, Patrick (22) Niece- Amelia (3)

She knew that the focus of the interview was going to be her weight loss. We began from that.

Me: How much weight have you lost total?

Norma: 103 pounds

Me: How did you lose 103 lbs?

Norma: I started going to Curves and doing the Curves circuit and following their weight managment eating plan.

Me: Let's go back before Curves. How would you have described yourself?

Norma: I was fat. I knew I was overweight. I had lost some weight when I was in high school, but gained it all back plus some extra. I tried walking, but I had really bad asthma and it was very hard on me to do to much.

Me: You said that you lost some weight in high school, were you overweight then also?

Norma: Yes, I think that I started gaining weight when I was in about fourth grade. I look back at pictures and can see that it where it started. I had chubby cheeks and a pudgy belly. I hated it,but as I got older, I just never really had the motivation to do anything about it.

Me: So, what was your motivation to lose weight?

Norma: After you had your baby (Amelia) I realized that I was going to miss out on so much with her if I continued being fat. You were talking about taking her to Disney when she was older and going to the beach and doing all these things with her. I did not want to be the fat aunt. I wanted to be able to do all of the fun things that you had planned with her and be able to keep up with her pace. Amelia was born in January and I started going to Curves that February. It took me a little over a year to lose 100 pounds. I have done very well maintaining my weight from this loss.

At this time, my Amelia was having a major meltdown so we had to end the interview. I will finish it tonight when my sister is out of school and my daughter is bed.

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