" Teachers need to be able to justify the inclusion of digital tools for teaching both print and digital literacies in their classrooms."
I thought that this was an excellent point that the author made in the article. Even if everyone thinks that something, such as the inclusion of digital tools in the classroom is a great idea, that great idea still needs to be justified. Although it may be something that is fun and the kids would enjoy, does not necessarily mean that they will learn anything from it. I do think that children would benefit greatly from the inclusion of digital tools. Let's face it, we are living in a technological age and the need for students to learn about digital tools is very important. Whatever opportunities we can give them to increase their knowledge is extremely beneficial.
Additional Resource: I thought the two comics above would go with what we read. It's funny how kids know more about computers or other technology based items than something as simple as what a noun is or how to write in cursive. Teachers are not really teaching or enforcing students to write in cursive anymore. I remember learning to write in cursive in second grade. I thought it was so awesome, but the sixth graders I had last year could barely write their names in cursive. Keyboarding is a class that is taught before cursive now.
Great comics! I agree with your statement that we need to provide our students with opportunities.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your comments especially cursive writing. When my daugheter, now a college freshman, was in elementary school, they were taught in the 3rd grade cursive writing. In the fourth grade, they had to use only cursive writing. My son, fourth grade, was introduced to cursive writing in the third grade, but has never used it. He does not even know all the letters. I believe this is a shame; cursive is almost a dying art. How will kids learn to read important documents, such as the Declaration of Independence?
ReplyDeleteI think it is important that teachers use digital media that can be justified. Many teachers may take the easy was out and pick something that is really fun, but does not have any educational content. But we live in the age of technology and it is too easy to find tools that are fun and educational.
ReplyDeleteI think that it's important that media literacy skills be "justified" so that administrators understand that this is a necessary skill for students to have so that they can succeed in an increasingly media-driven society. I really think that it should be a required curriculum element, instead of teachers having to "justify" why they want to teach these skills in the classroom.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the comic that you added into your post it made a great point realted to this journal entry. I think that you are right ... we need to teach our students both forms of literacy and justify which one we are currently teaching. Great Point.