The person that I interviewed for my digital story was my sister, Norma. Norma is 28 years old and lives in Middlefield, OH. I tried to figure out how to record through Skype, but somehow did not get it to work correctly. Since I could not meet up with her in person, I conducted a telephone interview.
Here is a brief overview of what we discussed in the interview.
Name: Norma Jean Sandy
Date of Birth: July 5, 1983
Place of Birth: Clarksburg, WV
Occupation: Pharmacy Student at Kent State/Pharmacy Technician at Wal-mart
Family: Mother, Ana- Father, Fred- Sisters, Jessica (30) and Tracy (24)--Brother, Patrick (22) Niece- Amelia (3)
She knew that the focus of the interview was going to be her weight loss. We began from that.
Me: How much weight have you lost total?
Norma: 103 pounds
Me: How did you lose 103 lbs?
Norma: I started going to Curves and doing the Curves circuit and following their weight managment eating plan.
Me: Let's go back before Curves. How would you have described yourself?
Norma: I was fat. I knew I was overweight. I had lost some weight when I was in high school, but gained it all back plus some extra. I tried walking, but I had really bad asthma and it was very hard on me to do to much.
Me: You said that you lost some weight in high school, were you overweight then also?
Norma: Yes, I think that I started gaining weight when I was in about fourth grade. I look back at pictures and can see that it where it started. I had chubby cheeks and a pudgy belly. I hated it,but as I got older, I just never really had the motivation to do anything about it.
Me: So, what was your motivation to lose weight?
Norma: After you had your baby (Amelia) I realized that I was going to miss out on so much with her if I continued being fat. You were talking about taking her to Disney when she was older and going to the beach and doing all these things with her. I did not want to be the fat aunt. I wanted to be able to do all of the fun things that you had planned with her and be able to keep up with her pace. Amelia was born in January and I started going to Curves that February. It took me a little over a year to lose 100 pounds. I have done very well maintaining my weight from this loss.
At this time, my Amelia was having a major meltdown so we had to end the interview. I will finish it tonight when my sister is out of school and my daughter is bed.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Week Ten DEJ
"Another important issue for students is respect for copyright and the intellectual property
of others. It is always tempting for students of all ages to use the Internet to find images,
music and other material for inclusion in their digital stories." (Robin)
I agree that this would be one of the biggest problems in creating a digital story. We have so much access to music and images that sometimes it is so easy to forget that we can't use it all. Last year I taught sixth grade and my students had to do a speech on what they thought was the greatest american invention. I had two students (a boy and a girl) who did a speech on the lightbulb. They had the same exact speech. My boy student went first and when he finished, my female student said, "Hey. His speech is exactly like mine." I asked them how they thought that might happen and they both said they used the Internet and the help of copy and paste. We had a discussion and later a lesson on plagiarism.
Related Material:
School Video News- I thought this might help a little bit when trying to decide if my favorite Usher song would be ok to put in a school typed project. I know of a few schools that use popular songs to open up there school news broadcast. It isn't the whole song, but maybe 30 seconds, but its hard to believe that may not even be the legal thing to do. It is rather frustrating that with so much available at the push of a button that using it may not always be legal.
Robin , B. (n.d.). The educational uses of digital storytelling. Retrieved from
Brit, B. (2008). School video news using copyrighted material. Retrieved from
of others. It is always tempting for students of all ages to use the Internet to find images,
music and other material for inclusion in their digital stories." (Robin)
I agree that this would be one of the biggest problems in creating a digital story. We have so much access to music and images that sometimes it is so easy to forget that we can't use it all. Last year I taught sixth grade and my students had to do a speech on what they thought was the greatest american invention. I had two students (a boy and a girl) who did a speech on the lightbulb. They had the same exact speech. My boy student went first and when he finished, my female student said, "Hey. His speech is exactly like mine." I asked them how they thought that might happen and they both said they used the Internet and the help of copy and paste. We had a discussion and later a lesson on plagiarism.
Related Material:
School Video News- I thought this might help a little bit when trying to decide if my favorite Usher song would be ok to put in a school typed project. I know of a few schools that use popular songs to open up there school news broadcast. It isn't the whole song, but maybe 30 seconds, but its hard to believe that may not even be the legal thing to do. It is rather frustrating that with so much available at the push of a button that using it may not always be legal.
Robin , B. (n.d.). The educational uses of digital storytelling. Retrieved from
Brit, B. (2008). School video news using copyrighted material. Retrieved from
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Week 9 Digital Story
I am going to interview my sister, Norma. She has lost over a hundred pounds in the past couple years and I think she is going to have a great story and be very inspiring.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Week 9 DEJ
"Storytelling is a tool for preserving memory, writing history, learning, entertaining, organizing, and healing in communities of color. It is in the telling of stories that communities build identities, construct meaning, and make connections with others and the world."
I picked this quote because I think that it is a great way to describe what storytelling is from the creators' standpoint and for the audience. I think the description is vivid and will give the audience or readers a chance to know what to expect with storytelling. I like the way storytelling is worded about the telling of stories will help communities build identities, construct meaning, and make connections. It kind of reminds me of the Native Americans and other cultures having stories that they pass down from generation to generation. How great would it be for some of those cultures to be able to create a digital story and keep the tradition going for many.
I found a website that I think would be a great tool to use in the classroom. It is a PBS site and is called Circle of Stories. This site features Native American storytellers and some of the stories that are popular in their culture. There is a brief introduction of the storyteller, history of the tribe, and the story. The story is also available as an audio file.The website also features lesson plans for teachers.
I picked this quote because I think that it is a great way to describe what storytelling is from the creators' standpoint and for the audience. I think the description is vivid and will give the audience or readers a chance to know what to expect with storytelling. I like the way storytelling is worded about the telling of stories will help communities build identities, construct meaning, and make connections. It kind of reminds me of the Native Americans and other cultures having stories that they pass down from generation to generation. How great would it be for some of those cultures to be able to create a digital story and keep the tradition going for many.
I found a website that I think would be a great tool to use in the classroom. It is a PBS site and is called Circle of Stories. This site features Native American storytellers and some of the stories that are popular in their culture. There is a brief introduction of the storyteller, history of the tribe, and the story. The story is also available as an audio file.The website also features lesson plans for teachers.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Week Eight/Reel Works
I could not get the video to post in this post.
I chose Minds in the Closet
What do you like about the digital story?
I thought the video gave a lot of reasons why people support or are against homosexuality. I think that interviewing a lot of different people in the neighoborhood gave a lot of different views on the subject. The story seemed very professional and was put together well. It was informal, but seemed to take a lot of time and thought on the subject of homophobia.
What did you learn from the digital story?
I learned from watching all the different stories that anyone can make a digital story on any subject. The person needs to pick a subject and be organized in creating the project.
How can digital storytelling promote critical media literacy? I encourage you to Google digital storytelling and critical media literacy to answer this question.
When I Googled digital storytelling and critical media, I first went to this website and thought that it answered this question the best." Digital storytelling provides a great means to teach media literacy. Both computer-based and green-screen performance-based storytelling "lift the hood" on media persuasion and show students how media makers use technique to influence what we think and how we feel. Media literacy has always carried the connotation of being wary of how media is persuading our perceptions. That is, beause media is so powerful, we need to be especially aware of its power to persuade." I think that allwoing students the chance to create a digital story will excite them and get them to want to do more activities in a media based class. Digital storytelling allows for creativity, but would also be a way to incorporate some of the core subjects into the project as well. English and writing would obviously be one of the main subjects incorporated, but depending on the subject all of the core curriculum could be easily integrated and taught as well.
I chose Minds in the Closet
What do you like about the digital story?
I thought the video gave a lot of reasons why people support or are against homosexuality. I think that interviewing a lot of different people in the neighoborhood gave a lot of different views on the subject. The story seemed very professional and was put together well. It was informal, but seemed to take a lot of time and thought on the subject of homophobia.
What did you learn from the digital story?
I learned from watching all the different stories that anyone can make a digital story on any subject. The person needs to pick a subject and be organized in creating the project.
How can digital storytelling promote critical media literacy? I encourage you to Google digital storytelling and critical media literacy to answer this question.
When I Googled digital storytelling and critical media, I first went to this website and thought that it answered this question the best." Digital storytelling provides a great means to teach media literacy. Both computer-based and green-screen performance-based storytelling "lift the hood" on media persuasion and show students how media makers use technique to influence what we think and how we feel. Media literacy has always carried the connotation of being wary of how media is persuading our perceptions. That is, beause media is so powerful, we need to be especially aware of its power to persuade." I think that allwoing students the chance to create a digital story will excite them and get them to want to do more activities in a media based class. Digital storytelling allows for creativity, but would also be a way to incorporate some of the core subjects into the project as well. English and writing would obviously be one of the main subjects incorporated, but depending on the subject all of the core curriculum could be easily integrated and taught as well.
Week Eight DEJ
"A camera can only ever show part of an event, and it's the person who uses the camera who decides what to show and what to leave out."
The teacher inviting a parent in to film the class and then having the class watch the events was a great lesson in showing students that not everything is shown when there is a video camera present. Younger children have a hard time making that connection that everything that you see is not true. Think of how many believe there are monsters under their bed because they saw it on television. This would be a great tool in introducing media literacy into any grade and being able to branch off many lessons from something as simple as having someone videotape the classroom.
Related Resource:
ABC's of Media Literacy: What Can Pre-Schooolers Learn?
I thought that this website would go along perfectly with what we read for this assignment. It discusses how many media literacy lessons are geared toward middle and high school students and not toward elementary. The author suggests three areas to use to jump start media literacy for young children.
1. Identifying Storytellers
The child needs to know who is telling the story. Younger children will most likely identify with the main character of the story being the story teller, where older students could understand that there is a narrator telling the story.
2.Understanding Stories
Talk about the stories and allow the children to retell what they see and hear.
3. Learning the Language
Students can learn basic media terms such as point of view, close-up, and wide shots. This will help them learn about what kind of story the film maker is trying to tell.
Rogow, F. (2002, to 2011). Abc's of media literacy: what can pre-schooolers learn?. Retrieved from
The teacher inviting a parent in to film the class and then having the class watch the events was a great lesson in showing students that not everything is shown when there is a video camera present. Younger children have a hard time making that connection that everything that you see is not true. Think of how many believe there are monsters under their bed because they saw it on television. This would be a great tool in introducing media literacy into any grade and being able to branch off many lessons from something as simple as having someone videotape the classroom.
Related Resource:
ABC's of Media Literacy: What Can Pre-Schooolers Learn?
I thought that this website would go along perfectly with what we read for this assignment. It discusses how many media literacy lessons are geared toward middle and high school students and not toward elementary. The author suggests three areas to use to jump start media literacy for young children.
1. Identifying Storytellers
The child needs to know who is telling the story. Younger children will most likely identify with the main character of the story being the story teller, where older students could understand that there is a narrator telling the story.
2.Understanding Stories
Talk about the stories and allow the children to retell what they see and hear.
3. Learning the Language
Students can learn basic media terms such as point of view, close-up, and wide shots. This will help them learn about what kind of story the film maker is trying to tell.
Rogow, F. (2002, to 2011). Abc's of media literacy: what can pre-schooolers learn?. Retrieved from
Monday, October 10, 2011
Week Seven DEJ
Why did the authors do this study?
The authors did the study to answer one central question as posed in the study, "How does media-literacy instruction, integrated within a yearlong course in high school English languagearts, affect the development of students’ message comprehension, writing, and critical-thinking skills?
How did the authors do the study?
The authors who conducted the study monitored students who participated in an eleventh grade English media/communication course that incorporated extensive critical media analysis of print, audio, and visual texts . There progress was compared with students from a demographically matched group who did not recieve critical media instruction.
What data/results emerged from the study?
The data that emerged from the study suggested the improvement that media literacy instruction had on the students' ability to identify main ideas in written, audio, and visual media.
Students that were in the media-literacy group scored higher on their reading comprehension scores than the
control group. The media-literacy students also outperformed students in the treatment group of identifying main ideas in radio broadcast.
What do the authors conclude from the data analysis?
The authors concluded that there were weaknesses to their research and that limited the study's value. The authors stated, "Because of the limitations of the research design, it is impossible
to make generalizations to other instructional contexts. A nonequivalent groups design was necessary to employ because the whole grade level was involved in the implementation of the treatment."
What is the significance of the study?
The significance of the study was to see if media instruction in the classroom had any effects on student learning.
How do these findings influence your position on media literacy and school curriculum?
Although there were some weaknesses that the authors ran into. I think that media literacy should be implemented into the school curriculum. Students will learn and media is something that many students take an interest to without regards to age, gender, or ability.
The authors did the study to answer one central question as posed in the study, "How does media-literacy instruction, integrated within a yearlong course in high school English languagearts, affect the development of students’ message comprehension, writing, and critical-thinking skills?
How did the authors do the study?
The authors who conducted the study monitored students who participated in an eleventh grade English media/communication course that incorporated extensive critical media analysis of print, audio, and visual texts . There progress was compared with students from a demographically matched group who did not recieve critical media instruction.
What data/results emerged from the study?
The data that emerged from the study suggested the improvement that media literacy instruction had on the students' ability to identify main ideas in written, audio, and visual media.
Students that were in the media-literacy group scored higher on their reading comprehension scores than the
control group. The media-literacy students also outperformed students in the treatment group of identifying main ideas in radio broadcast.
What do the authors conclude from the data analysis?
The authors concluded that there were weaknesses to their research and that limited the study's value. The authors stated, "Because of the limitations of the research design, it is impossible
to make generalizations to other instructional contexts. A nonequivalent groups design was necessary to employ because the whole grade level was involved in the implementation of the treatment."
What is the significance of the study?
The significance of the study was to see if media instruction in the classroom had any effects on student learning.
How do these findings influence your position on media literacy and school curriculum?
Although there were some weaknesses that the authors ran into. I think that media literacy should be implemented into the school curriculum. Students will learn and media is something that many students take an interest to without regards to age, gender, or ability.
Week Seven
Lesson Plan
My students were to create a character blog. I created mine for this lesson using Bella Swan (Cullen). I based her postings after she was a vampire.
Bella Swan Character Blog
My students were to create a character blog. I created mine for this lesson using Bella Swan (Cullen). I based her postings after she was a vampire.
Bella Swan Character Blog
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